“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything..."
Hello people,
I have already said main important things about me in my "About Me" section in the profile. This is just some extra crap that some of you might like to know and some of you won't even bother reading it. But I feel like, it's my "duty" to share it. The quote on top right here, well it ain't written by me but I believe it to be true. Like I said I am a self taught photographer and I might not know a whole lot of stuff about photography and everything as I am still learning but I do believe that I am pretty good at it. You will see it for yourself when I start posting my pictures. Most of the pictures used on this blog are taken by me, except for the one on the header. I tried to change it but I don't know how to and you can't expect me to know, hey!! I am a photographer not a template developer :P Almost all the models in my pictures are my friends and I have their permission to use their pictures on here after all it's all my hard work that made them look so good in the pictures..If at any instance, I use pictures from someone else I will make sure I specify but I am pretty sure that ain't going to happen because this blog is about "my" photography and someone else's. One more thing I would like to say is, the pictures are not directly uploaded as they are taken, they are edited. Editing the photos is important because not all the pictures come out perfect and how you want them to be. Sometimes you have to put the color combinations and contrasts right.
Most of the people that are in my pictures. :-) |
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